Message of the President

Message of the President
In parallel to the vision of the Great Leader of our Republic and his fellow friends, our country is striving to achieve the contemporary civilization of our world. The performance shown for accomplishing this vision may be measured with many parameters. One of the most important one of these parameters is the value of energy production and consumption. Making our energy consumption that is above the world’s average to the level of the average in the European Union is one of the indispensable components for catching up with the contemporary civilization our Republic is seeking. Energy is the fundamental input of universal civilization and culture. The energy demand of our country that is progressing in all areas surges in parallel to this. Undoubtedly, it is crucial for this demand to be met with national resources, for efficiency to brought to the fore in all areas, and for this system to be sustainable as a whole and distributed as welfare to each layer of our community. In addition to this, the increment that we see in the utilization of environment friendly energy sources every passing day will make a positive contribution to the global warming problem.
Tegnatia Enerji Üretim Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. aims at contributing to the development of our country by acting in the field of power generation from environment friendly energy sources. In this respect, we wholeheartedly believe that the knowledge and experience we have attained from valuable institutions such as TÜBİTAK and universities, and the vision we have embraced in international platforms will give successful results when united with private sector’s dynamism.
Prof. Dr. Ekrem Ekinci
Power Plants Generating Energy of the Future
Power Plants Generating Energy of the Future
Tegnatia Enerji is working since the year of 2013 to function as a leading EPC (Engineering, Procurement, and Construction) company in national and international markets.
Power Plants Generating Energy of the Future
Tegnatia Enerji is working since the year of 2013 to function as a leading EPC (Engineering, Procurement, and Construction) company in national and international markets.